You won’t have to be offline for long this way. This technique should be used minutes before the status is set to expire. When you go online, the other person will notice that you have looked at their status.
You are, however, just concealed while you are offline. You can then check on the status of any contact without letting them know you’ve done so. Go OfflineĪnother option to view someone’s WhatsApp status without letting them know is to unplug from Wifi or switch off your mobile data. Step 4: Disable the Read Receipts toggle here. Step 3: Select Privacy from the Accounts menu.
Step 2: Select Settings from the three-dot menu in the top right corner. Step 1: On your iPhone or Android phone, open WhatsApp. To turn off read receipts, follow these steps: Read Also: How to download an image or video from WhatsApp status using an Android device? Turn off read receiptsĭisabling read receipts hides the double blue ticks for your messages. Go to Internal Storage > WhatsApp > Media > and then to.Ĭopy the photographs to a separate location and check out the statuses.